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Colombia's female writers of 20th century

Conventional  purpose

For many years some of the books that different writers have created, have been produced by the seventh Art, perhaps, with the aim of promoting unknown but excellent stories. Some of this stories are Ana Karenina, The help, The blind side, Untouchable, The Hunger Games, Forrest Gump, The Fault in Our Starts, among others.


In this WebQuest, the aim is to learn about the Colombian female writers and most importantly, to interpreted the female role in XX century Colombia. 


You have little time to create your movie because India Catalina's awards are almost close and you must have the best movie to win it.


To obtain this learning objective, you will transform into an actor, a scriptwriter, a cameraman, or a director. You can create your own short film when you have chosen one of the female authors or why not, one of the characters from their texts. All depends is born by your imagination.

Impress audience, impress everyone, and the judges will decide who will be:


Best film of the year

Best film of the year

Best script

Best script

Best director

Best director

Best main character

Best main character

Best supporting actor

Best supporting actor

Conventional  purpose

PD: Remember that you have to use all the resources that we will provide you in this webquest.

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