A written shout
A written shout
Colombia's female writers of 20th century
Blanca Isaza de Jaramillo
A lifetime devoted to letters and home. Storyteller and poet of deep sensitivity, light, tender and easily. She was born in Abejorral, Antioquia, on January 6, 1989, at the home of Dr. Felix and Carmen Rosa Arango Isaza Isaza Londoño. She studied in Manizales and at age of 15 she wrote her first poem named "El Río" (...). She got married with the poet and writer Juan Bautista Meza Jaramillo. In this period, she wrote short stories and poems in whcih was awarded with gold violet floral contests and sets in Antioquia and Caldas.
Since youth she worked in major newspapers and magazines around the country and the continent. She directed with her husband magazine "Manizales", founded in 1940, literary organ in the service of Colombian culture. She became known as a poet or poet at age 18 in a ceremony in Olympia hall of Manizales.
She wrote 16 books of poetry, stories, tales, customs and conference tables, which she published: "Selva Florida" (poetry 1917); " Los cuentos de la Montaña" (1926); "La Antigua canción" (Prose and Verse 1935); "Claridad" (Poetry, 1945); "Del lejano Ayer" (Prose 1951); "Preludio de invierno" (Poetry 1954); "Itinerarios Breves" (seven volumes of various chronic); "Al margen de las Horas" (Prose); "Cuentos, Cuadros de
Constumbres y Conferencias" and "Alma" (poems from 1954 to 1960. Her poetry is widespread across the continent.
In 1951, during the centenary celebrations of Manizales and Antioquia suggestion ofintellectuals and poets, she and her husband were crowned at glittering ceremony. She collaborated on the book "Women in Colombia" in Manizales.
Her literary work has been disseminated on the mainland and critics of Spain and America have judged her books place her name beside the most important AMERICAN poetess as Juana Ibarbourun, Agustini, Alfonsina Storni and Gabriela Mistral.
Attached to the land, to traditional, Blanca Isaza left a less erudite and less revolutionary than the most important contemporary work, but her best poems still have some naive and popular freshness ... "says Eddy Torres in his | Poetry Colombian authors (1975). And Rafael Echeverri Lema in | Caldas in poetry (1970): ".. Great Colombian poet, lives in Caldas from the age of three years ... So all her life as a writer and poet has, therefore, the seal of the region ... We do not know which is more beautiful about Mrs. Blanca: if your prose or verse. Because her prose and her verse are tender poetry, clean poetry, pure poetry. "
Her poetry has gone largely unnoticed, since very few critics (as) and readers (as) have known, although it is noteworthy that some of her poems have been translated into English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
So Blanca Isaza described herself in one of his poems:
Y he pasado la vida humilde como aquellas fuentes
Que en la montaña
Su frágil copa liquida modelan
O entretienen las horas
Tejiendo manteletas
De algodón de azúcar y de vidrio para los hombros dela piedra
He tenido ese culto apasionado
De las cosas pequeñas…
He sido ingenua como el chal del encaje
De la nube viajera…
Y más bien que ser águila he querido
Ser rosada falena…
Esta biografía
Fue bien fácil hacerla
Si es tan trivial la historia de una vida discreta.
(Viñeta de otoño, 1945, 9)
It is noteworthy that in the works of Blanca Isaza is exalted the everyday world, ie, family, nature, religion (the world where tradition is submerged women) (Jaramillo, Negret, & Robledo, 1995) .
Moreover, it is considered that the writing of Blanca Isaza is clearly "one Christian woman, a queen of the home, a woman who has loved, who has fought, he has suffered, who has put faith in God" (Jaramillo, Negret, & Robledo, 1995). Thus it itself represents the ideal woman of the time, and this is reflected in what her husband Juan Meza Jaramillo B. wrote about it:
Blanca fue muy admirable por su sencillez y sus virtudes. En el hogar exaltó todos los tributos que enaltece a las matronas de la raza y en sociedad se conquistó el aprecio y la admiración por su trato cordialísimo. Su carácter, de exquisita dulzura, fue inalterable. Humilde, desde el fondo del alma, nunca el mayor elogio la evaneció siquiera un momento; sencilla, desde lo más íntimo nada ambicionó para ella. Inagotable en sus ternuras, extremosa en cuidados, comprensiva, cariñosa, invariable siempre (…) consagró su existencia a su casa, a los suyos, a sus grandes afectos (…) escribió poemas, cuentos y crónicas, en la hora más impensada, sin descuidar por eso, sus labores de hogar (…) (Jaramillo Meza, 1977)
In this way Blanca Isaza met the parameters of the ideal woman, the ideal type of woman that the time warranted: A humble woman, sweet, simple, submissive, "was guardian of family morals and counselor of their children" (Jaramillo, Negret, & Robledo, 1995) .
Are countless poems Blanca devoted to Christ, his life as a Christian, to the Virgin and the saints, in short everything that concerned the religious aspect of the era. "For it is God Almighty that helps alleviate the suffering precisely for having suffered in the flesh" (Ibid).
Tanto te llamaré que habrás de oírme,
Seños, ante tu puerta
Me pasaré los días y las noches
En la gosoza angustia de la espera.
He de purificar el pensamiento
De toda inútil vanidad, que sea
Tan simple y transparente como el agua
Que entre los juncos vela…
Ya de humana ambición desposeída
Mi alma por ti se entrega
no importa de tu amor por depurarla
la torture y la hiera;
habrá de ser feliz, porque ya nada
aspira ni la inquieta,
frágil brizna al capricho de tu mano (Canto de plenitud, 1961, 32).
Biblioteca Virtual, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. (Undated) Quién es quién en la Poesía Colombiana. Take from http://www.banrepcultural.org/blaavirtual/literatura/quien/quien10.htm of April 26, 2015
Vivir en el Poblado (2005) Blanca Isaza de Jaramillo Meza. Take from http://www.vivirenelpoblado.com/cronica-rosa/eventos/2154-blanca-isaza-de-jaramillo-meza of April 26, 2015
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