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Colombia's female writers of 20th century

A written shout 

Blanca Isáza de Jaramillo

Blanca Isáza de Jaramillo

Rocío Vélez

Rocío Vélez



Sofía Ospina de Navarro

Sofía Ospina de Navarro

Alba Lucía Ángel

Alba Lucía Ángel

Marvel Moreno

Marvel Moreno

Hello, Dear:


Probably, you have not heard about us but we are here to make our names and lives sound around the world. It's our mission, it is an obligation that fills our minds and hearts of pride. And you, Dear unknown, will descover this sensations in our literary work.


You will find that we all have some divergences and similarities about life, but we are intimately joined by a common purpose: fight for equality through a written shout.


Needless to say welcome to Colombia's female literature of XX century. We are sure that you will enjoy this, but we hope that you discover a little more about Colombia's reality in the 20th century viewed from our perspectives with the aim of help you to recognize and construct in your heart and mind a  woman image of our time.


P.S: We are not princesses waiting for a savior. We are simple women with fighter spirit that bleed words. That is our legacy to Colombia's women and the world.  

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