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Colombia's female writers of 20th century

According to Teresa Rosso Moorhouse, in "Literatura y diferencia". Escritoras colombianas del siglo XX" (1995), female condition in the first 30 years of XX century was centered on the fight for education and suffrage. So, women literature was a constant expression of the necessity of liberty, of independence from men. 

A social event that helps to change women situation was the influence of foreing countries through television and other mass media that fostered in Colombia the United States' women attitude and mentality in which they did not accept the typical submissive, sacrified and resigned role. They throw up the tradition to find a new life, maybe a better life. This wonderful women to Colombia's women, chose for divorce, reject marriage and a family construction, aspects that were unpleasant in Colombia men's perspective.





What would our life be without the possibility to express ourselves?; what if some books were not made of magnific or unreal issues, but the real-life situations?; How would our life be in a world in which speaking and writing were forbidden or slightly used for women?... Well, do not get surprised. In Colombia, few years ago, women's texts were despised by several social, cultural, politic and religious statements but there have been some heroes who fight with words in order to change it.

With this important try to obtain the suffrage, women managed write down their civic right in 1954 with the "ley 28 de 1932" under the power of the president General Rojas Pinilla. This has allowed women to have their own economic savings and property and to obtain academic degrees with the possibility to  study more careers than pedagogy, nursery, secretary or arts since those degrees were the established for women.

Ofelia Uribe Acosta said that Colombian women suffered a "complex of subordination" and servility, instilled from his crib, which did not allow their autonomy, much less the demand of equality with male; Second, the spatial restrictions that women were conditioned, always in confinement, which did not allow to have a panorama of life, contrarily, they viewed just fractions of outside life. (Ibid. p.p. 05) 

So, the aim of this WebQuest is to show you some information and literature work of those female writers who dared to write exposing their thoughts, their wounds, their battles as sign of equality and self-esteem. Consequently, as a result of the following process of introducing yourselves in this topic, you will take a place in an author's literary works by choosing one of them to create a play according to the situation, the context, the author's thoughts and your interpretations.  


The key is to internalize the role, the social position of Colombia's females within theirs writings. 


These will be the authors:

Blanca Isáza de Jaramillo

Blanca Isáza de Jaramillo

Rocío Vélez

Rocío Vélez



Sofía Ospina de Navarro

Sofía Ospina de Navarro

Alba Lucía Ángel

Alba Lucía Ángel

Marvel Moreno

Marvel Moreno

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